API Reference

NippyPay SDK Integration Guide
The NippyPay SDK allows seamless integration of the NippyPayment Gateway into your Android application, enabling secure and convenient payment processing. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate the NippyPay SDK into your Android project.

Android Studio 3.0 or above
Android API level 21 or higher
Obtaining the NippyPay SDK
Download the NippyPay SDK from the following link: aar/nippy-test.aar.
Extract the downloaded package to obtain the SDK file nippypay-sdk.aar.
Importing the NippyPay SDK
Open your Android project in Android Studio.

Copy the nippy-test.aar file to the libs directory in your project.

In your project's build.gradle file, add the following lines: groovy repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } }

In your app module's build.gradle file, add the following dependency: groovy dependencies { implementation(name: 'nippypay-sdk', ext: 'aar') }

Setting Up Permissions and Dependencies
Open your app's AndroidManifest.xml file.
Add the following permission inside the tag: xml

Initialization and Configuration
In your activity or application class, import the necessary classes: java
import com.nippypay.sdk.NippyPay;
import com.nippypay.sdk.PaymentParam;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
Initialize the NippyPay SDK with your credentials: java
NippyPay nippyPay = new NippyPay();
Payment Options
Create a JSONObject to store the payment options: java
JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
Populate the options with the required parameters: java
try {
options.put(PaymentParam.APPNAME, getString(R.string.app_name));
options.put(PaymentParam.DESCRIPTION, "NippyPayment");
options.put(PaymentParam.CURRENCY, "INR");
options.put(PaymentParam.AMOUNT, 10.00);
options.put(PaymentParam.UNAME, "Moorthy");
options.put(PaymentParam.MOBILENUMBER, "9087654321");
options.put(PaymentParam.UID, "57575757");
options.put(PaymentParam.UD1, "test1");
options.put(PaymentParam.UD2, "test2");
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Callback Listeners
Implement the 'NippyPayResultListener' interface in your activity or fragment: java

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NippyPayResultListener {
// ...
Override the necessary methods to handle payment responses: java

public void onPaymentSuccess(String transactionId) {
// Handle successful payment

public void onPaymentError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
switch (errorCode) {
case 1:
// Payment cancelled by the user
// Show appropriate message to the user
Log.d("NippyPay", "Payment Cancelled");
case 2:
// Payment failed
// Show appropriate message to the user
Log.d("NippyPay", "Payment Failed");
// Other error codes
// Handle other error codes if needed
Explanation of error codes:
Error Code 1: Payment Cancelled

This error code is triggered when the user cancels the payment process. It indicates that the user intentionally aborted the payment.
In the code sample, the message "Payment Cancelled" is logged. You can replace the logging statement with your own implementation to display an appropriate message to the user.
Error Code 2: Payment Failed

This error code is triggered when the payment processing encounters an error or fails for some reason.
In the code sample, the message "Payment Failed" is logged. You can replace the logging statement with your own implementation to display an appropriate message to the user.
You can customize the error handling logic in the 'onPaymentError' method based on your application's requirements. You may want to display a dialog box, redirect the user to a specific screen, or perform any other necessary actions to handle the different error scenarios.

Remember to refer to the documentation provided with the NippyPay SDK for any additional error codes or specific error handling instructions.

Integration Steps
Call the 'open' method of the 'NippyPay' instance to open the payment gateway: java
nippyPay.open(MainActivity.this, options, MainActivity.this);
Testing and Error Handling
Run your app and trigger the payment flow to test the integration with the NippyPayment Gateway.
Ensure that you receive the payment response and handle it accordingly in your app.
Handle any exceptions or errors that may occur during the integration process.
Troubleshooting and FAQs
Q: Why am I getting an "Invalid merchant ID" error?

Make sure you have provided the correct merchant ID obtained from the NippyPay team.
Verify that the merchant ID is correctly set using 'nippyPay.setNippyMID("your-merchant-id")'.
Q: Why am I receiving a "Payment failed" message without an error code?

Check your internet connectivity to ensure the device has a stable network connection.
Verify that you have entered the correct payment details and parameters.
Contact the NippyPay support team for further assistance.
Official NippyPay SDK Documentation: [ https://nippy.co.in ]