API Reference

Payment Status API Documentation

API Description

This API retrieves the payment status information for a specific order ID and merchant ID.

API Endpoint


Request Method


Request Headers

  • Authorization: Bearer
  • Content-Type: application/json

cURL Example

curl --location 'https://pg.nippy.co.in/api/payinStatus/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHTOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=98ao23t0j3at0r85lt01r72rle' \
--data '{

Success Response

  • HTTP status code: 200
  • Content-Type: application/json
    "status": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "TxnStatus": "PENDING",
        "TxnInitDate": "2023-04-09 22:51:39",
        "TxnCompletionDate": null,
        "PayerVA": "",
        "PayerMobile": "9840402696",
        "BankRRN": "",
        "userid": 6390598,
        "PayerName": "fahad nasar",
        "ud1": "279.00",
        "ud2": "6390598",
        "ud3": "17",
        "ud4": "2",
        "ud5": "ML-V1.0.3"
    "code": 200

Error Responses

Invalid Order ID

  • HTTP status code: 401
  • Content-Type: application/json
    "status": false,
    "message": "Invalid order ID",
    "code": 401

Invalid Merchant ID

  • HTTP status code: 400
  • Content-Type: application/json
    "status": false,
    "message": "Invalid mid",
    "input": {
        "mid": 1
    "error_code": 400

In conclusion, the Payment Status API allows merchants to easily retrieve the payment status information for a specific order ID and merchant ID. By following the documentation provided, developers can integrate this API into their applications and systems, thus improving their payment tracking and management capabilities. The clear instructions, examples, and error responses make it easier for developers to understand and use the API effectively.