API Reference

This API allows merchants to check the status of their payout transactions.

API Endpoint


Request Method


Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKENThe merchant's auth token.

Request Body

midstringThe merchant ID.
transactionIdstringThe transaction ID.

Example Request

Transaction id based request

  "mid": "2",  
  "transactionId": "534452990289"

UDF based request :

udf1 is bind with transaction id

  "mid": "2",  
  "udf1": "534452990289"

Transaction Statuses

Here is a list of the transaction statuses:

  • failed: The transaction has failed due to an error or an issue with the payment method.
  • accept: The transaction has been accepted but is still being processed.
  • rejected: The transaction has been rejected due to invalid or insufficient information provided.
  • success: The transaction has been completed successfully.
  • pending: The transaction is still being processed and the final status is not yet determined.
  • reversed: The transaction has been reversed or refunded.


Success Response

messagestringThe transaction status message.
UTRstringThe unique transaction reference number.
txn_statusstringStatus of the transaction
statusstringtrue or false

Example Error Response

  "status": false,
  "message": "Invalid mid",
  "input": {
    "mid": "3",
    "transactionId": "534452990289"
  "error_code": 400

This documentation should give developers a good understanding of how to use your payout status check API. Make sure to replace YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN with the actual auth token provided to the merchants.

cURL Example

Here's the cURL sample for the payout status check API:

curl --location --request POST 'https://pg.nippy.co.in/api/payoutStatus/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTHTOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "mid": 3243,
    "transactionId": "234234324"

Make sure to replace with the actual auth token provided to the merchant.

Sample Response

    "status": true,
    "txn_status": "accept", //  current state of a transaction, such as whether it's pending, accepted, rejected, failed, successful, or reversed
    "message": "Transaction mark as COMPLETED",
    "UTR": 310104593471,
    "error_code": 200